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Community Inclusion

Development and implementation of a range of valued social roles and relationships.


Tailored to meet the needs of individuals, businesses, and government at local, regional, and national levels.

Assistive Technology

Any device that allows persons with disabilities to live, work, and play more independently and effectively.

Care Management

Helps to implement and monitor the delivery of services in order to gain  freedom while continuing to live in the community.

Disaster Relocation and Relief

Designed to offer safe alternatives to temporary housing, meals, durable medical equipment, and direct nursing care supports.

Employment & Ticket to Work

Allows individuals to maintain the availability of their health care services and medical coverage when returning to work

Information & Referrals

Guidance in locating available services

Life Skills Training

Skills needed to live independently and to manage one’s own life while living with a disability

Nursing Home Transition

Relocation from institutions to community living with any needed services in place

Peer Mentoring

Provides assistance and support to a mentee by sharing their own life experiences and empowerment.

Rep Payee

Fee-for-service organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration (SSA)

Training & Consultations

Outreach to increase knowledge and skills to better support people with disabilities in Education, Employment, Transition & Community Living

Transition Services

Assist people with disabilities with transitioning from one stage of life to another

RTF Home Care

Personal Assistant Services to support independent living in the home.

Youth Services

Assist and support those with disabilities transferring to college, employment, or independent living within the community.

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